Restore Don’t Buy! Why you shouldn’t give up on your old furniture.

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Keep the furniture you know and love

Some of your furniture may have been passed down throughout your family, or it may just hold some happy family memories. Either way, it can sometimes be difficult to say goodbye to furniture that has been with you and your family for so long. Choosing to restore your furniture will help to breathe an entirely new lease of life into the tired furniture that you can’t bear to let go of. Buying a new piece of furniture may mean that you have a beautiful, clean new piece, but it won’t have the sentimental value that an older piece would.

Save money on expensive, new furniture

New furniture can be extremely costly to buy, particularly if you go to a larger chain store to buy it. You may even find that the quality of materials is reduced because the furniture is mass-produced. Restoring older furniture can be a much more cost-effective option. This will allow you to keep the quality materials of older, classically made pieces, while also adding a modern or refreshed touch through your choice of fabrics and wood finishes.

Do your bit for the planet

Producing new furniture can be costly in many ways. Not only is it expensive to buy, with the quality of materials potentially compromised, but it can also be extremely damaging to the environment. On average, the process of building new furniture releases around 1000 times more carbon emissions than restoring the old. By restoring your old furniture, therefore, you’re helping to improve your own carbon footprint, and you’ll be saving valuable resources like wood.

Create an entirely new interior style

As we’ve already found out, buying new furniture can be costly, and is not exactly eco-friendly. It can sometimes be challenging to find the perfect piece to suit the style you’re looking to achieve, even after endless hours scouring through the internet, catalogues, and wondering round different furniture shops. Depending on the piece you’re looking to restore, you’ve got a blank slate of creative opportunities right in front of you. A touch of paint or quirky designs could help to create an exciting furniture centrepiece, while a simple re-upholstering job could completely modernise a dated piece. If you were looking to update your interior walls to a new style, you would only add a lick of paint – why not do the same with your furniture? You could even find that an entirely new piece can be made out of the remnants of a broken piece.

Smaller pieces could be exciting projects

If you only have a small project to tackle, such as re-varnishing a wooden table or upcycling an old chest of drawers, then it could also act as an excellent opportunity to refine your DIY skills. Upcycling is all the rage nowadays, which means that you’ll be able to get stuck in with a new craft project that will result in something you’ll want to show off to everyone who visits. Contact a member of the team today to find out more about the services we offer, or to begin the process to a beautifully restored piece of furniture.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]