You might remember that we held a competition at the beginning of February, to enter you simply had to ‘LIKE’ the Facebook competition post to be in with the chance of winning four scatter cushions in a fabric of your choice. We had a great response with lots of you entering the competition, so thank you!

However there could only be one winner (congratulations again Judith Eidmans-Ford!) which gave us an idea – what if we helped you to make your own? This blog post will be a cushion cover tutorial to show you exactly how you can make your own.
Cushion cover tutorial
Upcycling is very fashionable at the moment, with various television programmes popping up with different ideas and advice for taking something old and making it into something new. Sadly, not all of them are do-able, especially if you don’t have any prior experience. That’s why we want to help you with your own upcycling project to turn an old cushion(s) that you might have just thrown out or replaced into something you can be proud of!

We have put together a step-by-step guide of how to make a cushion cover and included images alongside the instructions to make it easy to follow.

To make a cushion inner of 400 x 400 mm:
1) Cut your chosen cloth into two squares 480 x 480 mm – this allows for sewing later.
2) Pin a hem of 10 mm along one side of each square.
3) Machine hems in place, fold the hem over again and sew to create a double hem.
4) Open your zip and pin to both sides of your double hem.
5) Leave 20-30 mm of fabric above the zip teeth – this will hide the zip away once the cushion is compete.
6) You will have excess cloth left over when sewing – we can remove this later.
7) Machine your zip into place.
8) Fold the squares together so the cushion cover is inside out.
9) Pin remaining edges together and close with the machine.
10) Remove excess fabric and cut the four corners off at an angle – this will will give a better fit.
11) Turn your cover inside out and insert your cushion.
Tah-dah you’ve just made your own cushion cover!
Pinterest cushion cover inspiration
We have also chosen a selection of our favourite cushions on Pinterest for you to take a look at as inspiration!

So what do you think? Do you feel inspired to make your own?
We supply everything you’d need to make these so if you’re thinking about it but need some further advice why not pop in and see us.