The main accessory ingredient to evolve & comfort the fall after a hard days work.
They go with almost anything…buttoned, weaved or piped with tassels. These little gems can brighten up the darkest of decors.

Here at South West Upholstery, we supply a variety of scatter cushions in all shapes & sizes. Created by our experienced upholsterers & selected suppliers (Clarke & Clarke or Studio g). If you haven’t seen them in store or while passing by, there is no set theme. Fish, Pheasants or peacock feathers…they are tasteful & smooth to the touch.
You just need to know what is best suited and how to bring these scatters to life!

First of all, you need to give a little body to these scatters! – Simply plump them up with a feather or hollow fibre inner and away we go…
• Shape & Size – Consider your shapes & sizes… are they the traditionally square, an extended bolster or the oddest shape you can imagine? Consider sizes that fit nicely on your sofa.
• Position – Think of the sofa or chair where your scatters will live. – How do you want them to look when you have visitors? What needs to stand out the most and take centre stage?
• Colours – Pick 3 colours for now and let them compliment each other.
• Duplicate – Cushions need partners and to provide a similar hint of colour for different sections of a room.
fluidity, floral vibes & monkey business

Our Scatter cushions range in price from £14.95 to £49.50
So get cosy, make yourself a cuppa & jump onto this link for South West Upholstery services and find out more about scatter cushions from our experienced team.